Registration highly encouraged but not required.
Note: System does not provide confirmation emails, but a green box will appear at the top of the screen acknowledging receipt. Workshop reminder emails will be sent no later than the day prior to the event. Please note that registration is not required for workshop attendance, with unregistered individuals being admitted on a space available basis.
TEAMS workshops are facilitated by DoL Contract Company and hosted in the ACS Classrooms of Maude Hall In-Person at Camp Humphreys or Virtually.
Workshop descriptions and virtual options are available at
Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) | U.S. Department of Labor
Registration REQUIRED no later than 7 days in advance for TEAMS workshops, with workshops subject to cancellation if minimum registrations are not met.Click here to download the schedule.
Note: System does not provide confirmation emails, but a green box will appear at the top of the screen acknowledging receipt.
- JOB SEARCH RESOURCES & INFORMATION Free resources for locating and gaining employment, various job search platforms for the Military Community, resources for locating free certification programs, and more.
Korean Employment Permits for Dependents with SOFA Status
Details about how SOFA impacts employment opportunities with Republic of Korea organizations. -
Virtual Employment & SOFA Information
Details about the impact of SOFA on remote/virtual work opportunities while stationed in Korea. - EMPLOYING ORGANIZATION LIST
Non-Exhaustive & Subject to Change based on contract award—no Federal Endorsement Implied. Not all agencies are listed due to Operational Security concerns. Please note that agency websites are subject to change and may not reflect most updated listings.
See Job Search Resources list above for a variety of free job search engines available to the Military Community. - FCC- FAMILY CHILD CARE PROVIDER
For information about becoming a FCC Provider at USAG Humphreys, Email CYS Parent Central at usarmy.humphreys.imcom-hq.mbx.fmwrc-parent-central-services@army.mil - HBB- HOME BASED BUSINESS
Options for businesses that operate from on-post quarters.
Contact for more information at usarmy.humphreys.imcom.mbx.fmwr-hbb@army.mil
Military Spouse Hiring Initiative
This initiative allows Military Spouses, both currently CONUS and OCONUS, to have a point of contact (POC) in the Far East Region who is available to assist in the process of finding Federal employment throughout South Korea and Japan. -
MySECO (Spouse Education and Career Opportunities) Program
Details on eligibility and FREE resources available through the MySECO program, including: MyCAA, MSEP Job Search Engine, Udemy Courses, Flexjobs Job Search account, Career Coaches, and more. Includes resource guide for setting up required DS Logon. -
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) & Job Search Engine
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is a career partnership that connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote, and retain military spouses. -
Details and eligibility regarding MyCAA scholarship resource. Challenges logging into mySECO? Contact Military OneSource to connect with a SECO representative: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/tools/international-calling-options/ -
Portability of Professional Licenses & Certificates for Servicemembers and Their Spouses
In January 2023, Congress added a new provision to the SCRA that allows servicemembers and their spouses to use their professional licenses and certificates when they relocate due to military orders, in certain circumstances.
SECO Udemy Fact Sheet
Details about FREE access to more than 5,000 courses through Udemy. Udemy is a self-paced online learning platform offering courses taught by leading experts. Topics range from human resources and marketing to leadership, information technology and entrepreneurship.
Challenges logging into mySECO?
Contact Military OneSource to connect with a SECO representative: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/tools/international-calling-options/
Register in Advance to Receive Email Updates & Resources!
Registration Not Required for Job Seekers. Registered Attendees Will Receive:
- An email with the Current Registered Organizations List 2 weeks prior to the event.
- An email of the Final Registered Organizations List on the Friday before the event.
- An reminder email the day prior to the event which includes a map of where organizations will be located.
Interested in hosting a table for your employing organization?
Download the Career Fair Registration Form and submit down below.Note: System does not provide confirmation emails, but a green box will appear at the top of the screen acknowledging receipt. Please check “Junk” or “Spam” folders for follow-up email from @army.mil domain.
Program Name DSN Number Commercial Number Army Emergency Relief (315)757-2363/2375 +82 (0)50-3357-2363 or +82 (0)50-3357-2375 Army Family Action Plan (315)757-2373 +82 (0)50-3357-2373 Army Family Team Building (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Army Volunteer Corps (315)757-2373 +82 (0)50-3357-2373 Employment Readiness Program (315)757-2369 +82 (0)50-3357-2369 Exceptional Family Member Program (315)757-2581 +82 (0)50-3357-2581 Family Advocacy Program (315)757-2365/2366 +82 (0)50-3357-2365 or +82 (0)50-3357-2366 Financial Readiness Program (315)757-2375 +82 (0)50-3357-2375 Information, Referral and Follow-Up (315)757-2363/2372 +82 (0)50-3357-2363 or +82 (0)50-3357-2372 Mobilization and Deployment (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Relocation Readiness (315)757-2362 +82 (0)50-3357-2362 Soldier & Family Readiness Group (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Survivor Outreach Services (315)755-1958 +82 (0)50-3355-1958
Employment Readiness Program (ERP)
Humphreys ACS
Military DSN (315) 757-2363
K-16 Army Community Services
Military DSN (315)741-6923
K-16 Community Activity Center
Military DSN (315)722-8103