- WiFi access
- Commercial internet computers
- Photocopiers & printing services
- Quiet study areas
- Media Collection - DVDs/Blu-Rays/Video Games (PS4, PS5, XBOX1, XBOX Series X/S, Nintendo Switch)
- Inter-library loans
For eligibility and usage, we strictly enforce Command Policy #47 and AR 215-1.
The following community members can obtain a library card:
- Active Duty and their Family members
- Reserve Component and their Family members
- Retirees and their Family members
- U.S. DOD Civilians (APF/NAF) and their Family members
- U.S. DOD Contractors and their Family members
First-time visitors can set up an account that will follow them throughout their military or Civilian career and PCS move.
Item Type Loan Period Item Limit Books, CDs and Audiobooks 3 Weeks Unlimited DVDs/Blu-Rays (Movies) 1 Week 10 Items* DVDs/Blu-Rays (TV Series) 2 Weeks 10 Items* Video Games 1 Week 5 Items *Movies and TV Series combined item limit will not exceed 10.
Two renewals allowed provided it is not on reserve for another patron. Renewals may be made either in person or by telephone prior to the due date.
In compliance with our regulation, AR 735-17, patrons with overdue item(s) will not be able to check out any new materials until overdue items have been returned.
Lost or damage materials must be reported and replaced in accordance with AR 735-17.

The library boasts a wide variety of books, military professional readings, DVDs/Blu-Rays, video games, CDs, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers. Direct and inter-library loans are available from Army libraries around Korea. Our paperback swap rack is free. It's a great way to enhance your personal library while offering new reading options to others.
Visit the Army MWR Library Online Resources to see a complete list of available online resources.