- Youth Sports & Fitness Calendar
Youths learn the value of teamwork, dedication and skill development through fun during the recreational seasons.
SPORTS REGISTRATION SEASON PRICE AGES Volleyball January 30-March 03 Early April - Late May $55 9-18 Soccer January 30-March 03 Mid April - Early June $55 5-18 Baseball July 03-August 04 Early September - Mid October $55 5-18 Softball July 03-August 04 Early September - Mid October $55 11-18 Flag Football July 03-August 04 Early September - Mid October $55 5-18 Outdoor Cheer July 03-August 04 Early September - Mid October $55 7-18 Competitive Swim August 28-October 06 Late October - Mid December $55 6-18 Basketball October 30-December 01 Late January - Mid March (2024) $55 5-18 Indoor Cheer October 30-December 01 Late January - Mid March (2024) $55 7-18 - START SMART SPORTS PROGRAM
Start Smart is a parent-participation program aimed at teaching basic gross motor skills needed for future league participation.
SPORTS REGISTRATION SEASON PRICE AGES Soccer January 30 - March 03 Mid April - Early June $25 3-4 Start Smart General May 1 - June 02 Mid June - Late July $25 3-5 Baseball / Softball June 26 - July 28 Early September - Mid October $25 3-4 Flag Football June 26 - July 28 Early September - Mid October $25 3-4 Outdoor Cheer June 26 - July 28 Early September - Mid October $25 4-6 Basketball October 30 - December 01 Late January - Mid March (2024) $25 3-4 Indoor Cheer October 30 - December 01 Late January - Mid March (2024) $25 3-4 - CAMPS & CLINICS
There are a variety of sports offered in Camps & Clinics that are not part of the usual league seasons.
CAMP/CLINIC REGISTRATION DATES PRICE AGES Spring Running Club January 30 - March 24 Early April - Mid May $35 5-18 Spring Break Clinic February 1 - March 19 March 27 - 31 $35 5-18 Summer Clinics May 1 - June 02 Mid June - Late July $35 6-18 Fall Running Club July 31 - September 08 Mid September - Late October $35 5-18 Fall Clinics August 28 - October 18 Late October - Mid December $35 5-18 - 2023-2024 FALL / WINTER SPORTS CLINICS
Updated January 11, 2024.
Information is subject to change. Please check back periodically for updates.
Registration Information
Participants are required to be registered in CYS before enrolling in any Youth Sports and Fitness activities. To register, please visit Parent Central Services.
A Youth Sports Physical must be completed annually, prior to the start of the sport season.
The form must be completed with a doctor’s signature and stamp and submitted to Parent Central Services during registration.