- Tuesday: 5:10 a.m.
- Thursday: 5:10 a.m.
- Saturday: 10:00 a.m.
Each class is different through the skills, strengths and workouts covered each day. the whiteboard programming follows a training methodology that combines weightlifting, bodyweight and cardiovascular movements to get the best sport, life or duty applicable results for your time in the gym.
Classes are a focused one hour where participants are given direct feedback in a group setting on how to move more efficiently, effectively and safely. New athletes can build a foundation while more experienced athletes’ skills and techniques are challenged and advanced, all under the supervision of experienced and certified trainers. Participants are encouraged to motivate one another and provide a positive environment to push past personal fitness plateaus. Participants must be 18 years of age and older (17 years if Active Duty).
We value all fitness levels and encourage variety when expressing your fitness!
Class Times (All Levels Classes)
Classes are one hour unless otherwise specified. No classes are held on US Holidays.
Can't make the above schedule? Check out the whiteboard workouts updated daily in the Human Performance Space. Workout programming includes options for beginner, intermediate and advanced patrons.
Human Performance Space
Classes are held in the Human Performance Space of Turner Fitness Center. Classes hold priority over necessary space and equipment which may vary from day to day. Patrons not attending class may utilize space and equipment not needed during the session. SFA staff reserve the right to hold equipment for use within the hour.

Registration Information
Sign up on the same day of class at the Front Desk of Turner Fitness Center. Classes are capped at 20 participants and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants must have a registered household in WebTrac.