- Mobilization, Deployment, and Stability Support Operations (MD&SSO) Program
For more information, please call 741-6923. Training is available upon request for SFRG Leaders.
- AVC Army Volunteer Corps Program
Services available for Yongsan and K-16. Please contact the AVC Coordinator to schedule an appointment for OPOC training at 741-6923.
Please make sure all of your volunteer hours are updated in VMIS so that we can make sure all of our volunteers get the credit for their outstanding contributions to our Yongsan-Casey and K-16 communities.
The link to VMIS is: Army Family Web Portal - Resource Center | Army Family Web Portal - Army Family Team Building
For more information call Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator at 741-6923.
- Army Family Action Plan
The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is your platform to voice quality-of-life issues, feedback, ideas, and suggestions. It’s the best way to let Army leadership know about what works, what doesn’t, and how you think problems can be resolved. Follow us on Facebook #YongsanACS for Community Activities.
These Community Activities are to discuss issues, how to improve services for the community, and give the community a chance to socialize and make connections to support one another. Also, grab from our coupons and learn some tips on money saving techniques from our Financial Readiness Program Manager.
You can point out issues by submitting an ICE comment under ‘Family’ ‘DFMWR Army Community Service: AFAP. The information you submit gives Army leadership insight and helps foster a satisfied, informed, and resilient Army Community. - FAP Family Advocacy Program
Education for Professionals: Training for first responders & mandated reporters (Child and Youth Services, Medical, and Law enforcement personnel) and other community agencies on the identification, reporting, and treatment of domestic and child abuse; the referral process; available programs, services, and resources.
Stress Management:
An interactive session to assist participants to recognize the symptoms, causes, and effects of stress and introduce an array of stress management techniques.
Anger/Conflict Management:
An interactive session to assist participants to recognize the symptoms, causes, and effects of anger and learn an array of anger management/conflict resolution strategies and techniques.
Successful Co- Parenting (After or Before Divorce):
Divorce is a challenging experience for both parents and their children. Many states require parenting courses that helps increase knowledge and resiliency in families that will be experiencing co-parenting. This class may meet your state requirements.
Emergency Placement Care Training:
Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community? Providing a temporary safe home to children at risk of abuse and neglect may be an option for you. Please contact the Family Advocacy Program Manager at 722-5465.
*Group or Individual sessions for other Basic Life Skills are also available upon unit request or individual appointment.
For more information on events, classes or unit request call the FAP Manager, Ms. Louise Gonel at 722-5465 or email fapyongsan@gmail.com - Victim Advocacy Program
Required annually training for Soldiers, Senior Leaders, & Commanders IAW AR 608-18, Army Family Advocacy Program. Educates individuals on the dynamics of domestic and child abuse; command policy; community programs, services, resources; the identification, reporting, and referral process.
Please contact DAVA Program at 722-5466 to sign your unit up for required training.Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Hotline for crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referral for victims. VA provides Restricted & Unrestricted Reporting Options.
24/7 assistance call
DSN: 153 or COMM: 050-3357-8913 - New Parent Support Program
During COVID19, the health and safety of our community is our top priority. Weekly playgroup will be determined based on current situations. Please contact ACS at 722-5465 to inquire.
- Financial Readiness Program
Financial Readiness Program offers educational classes, seminars, workshops, group counseling, face to face counseling, and support services to assist Service Members along with their Families, Unit Commanders, First Sergeants, and DOD Civilians with financial planning and debt management.
According to Department of Defense and Army policy, Section 661 Army Community Service Financial Readiness Program provides Common Military Training (CMT) at various personal and professional milestones throughout the military lifecycle. Please contact ACS Financial Readiness Program at 0505-322-1577/1578 or DSN 315-322-1577/1578 for a list of the required training.
- Army Emergency Relief (AER) – Soldiers Taking Care of Soldiers
AER provides emergency financial assistance to active duty service members, their families, and retired service members and is located with ACS Financial Readiness.
Please contact ACS at 722-1577/1578. If it is after hours, on a weekend or holiday, Emergency Financial Assistance can be obtained from AER through the American Red Cross Call Center 1-877-272-7337 (or from DSN: 94 then 877-272-7337).Learn more about AER’s MG James Ursano Scholarship Program at https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/scholarships/child/
Financial Readiness Program Manager and AER Officer is available at Yongsan/Casey. Contact ACS at 722-1577/1578 if you have questions.
- Employment Readiness Program
Employment assistance is available by appointment only. Please call 741-6923 to schedule an appointment. A Certified Federal Job Search and Career Trainer is available for Federal Resume classes/one-on-one appointments by request.
Useful Employment Assistance and Websites
Federal Government Jobs: www.usajobs.gov
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP): https://msepjobs.militaryonesource.mil/msep/
AAFES Employment: https://odin.aafes.com/employment/default.asp
Civilian Intern Opportunities: http://ncweb.ria.army.mil/dainterns/default.aspx
Korean National Recruitment System (Local nationals only): https://lr.acpol.army.mil/knrs/selfservice/
Worldwide Medical, Dental & Behavioral Health Careers: https://www.civilianmedicaljobs.com/
Military One Source: http://www.militaryonesource.mil/
Military Spouse Resources: http://www.military.com/spouse - Survivor Outreach Services
Our Fallen Soldiers have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Their Families deserve our respect, our gratitude, and the very best we can provide. If you’re a surviving Family member, Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) offers you access to support, information, and services closest to where you live, when you need it and for as long as you need it.
Survivor Outreach Services is part of the Army Casualty Continuum of Care. It’s designed to provide long-term support to surviving Families of Fallen Soldiers. Our goal is to reassure Survivors that they remain valued members of the Army Family.
Survivor Outreach Services helps in many ways:
Financial Counselors. In times of emotional distress, figuring out what to do about finances can create a heavy burden. Survivor Outreach Services Financial Counselors provide professional financial information and services in areas such as investing, estate planning, tax issues, and basic budgeting. Our Financial Counselors are committed to helping you create financial security. They also help ensure you get the information you need to make sound financial decisions.
The Gold Star and Surviving Family Member Representative is the Army advocate for surviving Family members. The Public Law 113-66, Section 633, requires each secretary of a military department to designate a member to assist spouses and other dependents of service members, including the Reserve Component, who die on active duty. These representatives are available to provide support and address complaints by spouses and other dependents of deceased service members regarding casualty assistance or receipt of benefits authorized by law. Any Survivor can contact the Army GSSFM Representative directly any time for any reason.
Contact your GSSFM representative if you are seeking additional support or information:
(1) Addressing complaints by spouses and other dependents of deceased members regarding casualty/survivor assistance or receipt of benefits authorized by law for such spouses and dependents.
(2) Providing support to such spouses and dependents regarding such casualty assistance or receipt of such benefits.
(3) Making reports to appropriate officers or officials in the Department of Defense or the military department concerned regarding resolution of such complaints, including recommendations regarding the settlement of claims with respect to such benefits, as appropriate.
(4) Performing such other actions as the secretary of the military department concerned considers appropriate.Contact the GSSFM representative:
Call: 315-722-5465 or by cell-0503-322-5465
K16 Army Community Service
Humphreys ACS
Military DSN (315) 757-2363
K-16 Army Community Service
Military DSN (315)741-6923