- Deployment Support to Soldiers and units preparing to deploy or returning from a deployment. Information and referral services assist Soldiers and Family members dealing with deployment and redeployment questions, concerns, and challenges. Services can be tailored to assist commanders in meeting the deployment and redeployment needs of their SFRG. Commanders also have the virtual SFRG (vSFRG) as a tool to communicate with their SFRG membership in a secure online environment, especially during deployment.
- Family Readiness Training for command teams, Command Family Readiness Representatives, and SFRG volunteers.
- Emergency Family Assistance, provided when disaster strikes an Army community and accessed through multiple methods:
- Through an ADPAAS electronic assessment, Soldiers and Families can identify needs, which will be assigned to the closest ACS ADPAAS case manager
- Through the Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC), a garrison-level, one-stop location for Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members to access needed recovery services
- During noncombatant evacuation and repatriation operations for personnel in OCONUS locations
Operation READY: “READY” stands for “Resources for Educating About Deployment and You.” It’s a training and information resource developed from lessons learned in the Persian Gulf War and used in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) / Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The training covers learning about the types of military separation, planning and preparing personal documents, and completing family financial arrangements.
Care Teams
Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) Overview
Trauma in the Unit
Bereavement and Grieving
Survivor Outreach Services Program
Military Family Life Consultants Program
Program Name DSN Number Commercial Number Army Emergency Relief (315)757-2363/2375 +82 (0)50-3357-2363 or +82 (0)50-3357-2375 Army Family Action Plan (315)757-2373 +82 (0)50-3357-2373 Army Family Team Building (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Army Volunteer Corps (315)757-2373 +82 (0)50-3357-2373 Employment Readiness Program (315)757-2369 +82 (0)50-3357-2369 Exceptional Family Member Program (315)757-2581 +82 (0)50-3357-2581 Family Advocacy Program (315)757-2365/2366 +82 (0)50-3357-2365 or +82 (0)50-3357-2366 Financial Readiness Program (315)757-2375 +82 (0)50-3357-2375 Information, Referral and Follow-Up (315)757-2363/2372 +82 (0)50-3357-2363 or +82 (0)50-3357-2372 Mobilization and Deployment (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Relocation Readiness (315)757-2362 +82 (0)50-3357-2362 Soldier & Family Readiness Group (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Survivor Outreach Services (315)755-1958 +82 (0)50-3355-1958

Deployment isn’t easy. Mobilization, Deployment and Stability and Support Operations (MD&SSO) helps make it as smooth as possible—for units, Soldiers, and Families.
MD&SSO provides training and publications to help commanders, Soldiers, and Families navigate the challenges of mobilization and deployment. We also have resources for rear detachment cadre and Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) leaders.
We assist the chain of command by empowering SFRG leadership and volunteers, providing them with robust training and resources to maintain a successful and effective SFRG. In addition, Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSAs) provide administrative and logistical support to commanders, rear detachment commanders, and SFRG leaders.
MD&SSO also assists during Noncombatant Evacuation and Repatriation Operations. During emergencies, the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS) helps gain accountability, assess Family needs, and coordinate assistance.
The MD&SSO Program provides:
Other Deployment Readiness Resources
(Government Links)
Plan My Deployment. Military OneSource’s Plan My Deployment provides tips, resources, and articles to help prepare for all phases of the deployment. Click here to access Plan My Deployment.
Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRGs). SFRGs and virtual SFRGs (vSFRGs) offer Families official and accurate command information, connect Soldiers and Families to the chain of command, provide a network of mutual support, and connect SFRG members to on/off-post community resources.
Social Media. Social media can be a powerful tool to inform, influence, and engage Soldiers and Families. Click here to access the Army's Social Media site.
Ready Army. Ready Army is the Army’s proactive campaign to increase the resilience of the Army community and enhance its readiness by taking stock of and preparing for relevant hazards. Click here to access Ready Army
(Non-Government Links, No Endorsement Implied)
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP). YRRP is a DoD-wide effort to promote the well-being of National Guard and reserve members, as well as their Families and communities, by connecting them with resources throughout the phases of deployment. Click here to access YRRP.
Other helpful links:
Prepares volunteers (usually a 6-10 member team) selected by the Battalion Commander to provide short-term assistance to Spouses and Families whose Soldier was killed or suffered a grievous injury requiring MEDEVAC back to the home station. The Care Team contacts the grieving Family only after the Casualty Notification Officer has made first contact with the Family. Examples of assistance provided are: child care, preparation of meals, and other administrative tasks such as taking phone calls and making a list of those offering condolences. Care Team training is comprised of the following classes from Operation READY and other ACS programs: