- Victim Advocacy Support Services
- Mandatory Annual Domestic Violence, Child Abuse Awareness and Detection, (IAW AR 608-18 and 600-20 Chapter 8) training
- Emergency Child Placement
- Child Safety and Education
- Stress Management
- Anger Management
- Support Groups
- Home Visitor
- New Parent Support Classes
- Parenting Education
- Life Skills Workshops
- Marriage Enrichment
Domestic Violence
Dating Violence
Workplace Violence
Anger Management
Stress Management
Child Safety
Child abuse, Prevention and Awareness
Customized Training
Program Name DSN Number Commercial Number Army Emergency Relief (315)757-2363/2375 +82 (0)50-3357-2363 or +82 (0)50-3357-2375 Army Family Action Plan (315)757-2373 +82 (0)50-3357-2373 Army Family Team Building (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Army Volunteer Corps (315)757-2373 +82 (0)50-3357-2373 Employment Readiness Program (315)757-2369 +82 (0)50-3357-2369 Exceptional Family Member Program (315)757-2581 +82 (0)50-3357-2581 Family Advocacy Program (315)757-2365/2366 +82 (0)50-3357-2365 or +82 (0)50-3357-2366 Financial Readiness Program (315)757-2375 +82 (0)50-3357-2375 Information, Referral and Follow-Up (315)757-2363/2372 +82 (0)50-3357-2363 or +82 (0)50-3357-2372 Mobilization and Deployment (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Relocation Readiness (315)757-2362 +82 (0)50-3357-2362 Soldier & Family Readiness Group (315)757-2370 +82 (0)50-3357-2370 Survivor Outreach Services (315)755-1958 +82 (0)50-3355-1958

This program is dedicated to fostering healthy Families and communities through education and outreach. It aims to prevent abuse or neglect of Family Members. Family Advocacy provides support services, training and education and crisis intervention.
Direct Services
Home Visits
Provides voluntary in-home visitation, pregnancy and parenting education, support and resource assistance to Military Families with Children ages pre-natal through 3 years old.
Hospital Visits
Visiting with new parents, providing information and referral and aiding in detecting potential high risk Families.
Expectant Parent Information and Referral Services
Providing materials and resources on child safety, stress management, and parenting issues.
Child Health and Safety Issues
Healthy Kids: Education on indoor and outdoor safety.
Home Safety
Child-proofing your home. Available upon request.
FAP Classes
Preparing for Pregnancy, Birth Process, Newborn Care, and Breastfeeding Support
Annual Mandatory Command/Senior Leader Training and Troop Briefing. Available upon request.
Training for Professionals/Paraprofessionals on Domestic Violence, Child Abuse Detection and Reporting for Law Enforcement, Child Care Providers, Youth Services, Health Care, Schools, Commanders and Civilian Agencies.
Information provided for Soldiers, Family members, Professionals and Civilians includes:
Child Abuse Detection and Awareness Training (AR 608-18) (Minimum 1 hour)
This training is conducted by FAP personnel and offered to Soldiers and various agencies involved with the care, support and safety, or treatment of children. The training covers the detection and reporting methods related to child abuse. Participants will be provided with information and resources, and the Army’s policy and state laws regarding child abuse.
Domestic Violence Awareness Training (AR 608-18) (Minimum 1 hour)
This training consists of annual troop education conducted by FAP personnel for all Soldiers on the family dynamics of spouse and child abuse, the availability of prevention and treatment services, and the Army’s policies regarding family violence.